Why Does Health & Beauty Start With the Cell?
There's a time to tighten the sheet (many of our members are cosmetic surgeons) but every surgeon will tell you that, even if you have surgery, the healthier and younger the tissue (new sheets) the better the results.
This group of scientists, physicians, and nurse-practitioners (members of the Cellular Medicine Association) works to discover and to become expert at the best uses of cell biology to improve health and beauty.
*You will not be approved if you are naturopathic doctor.
*You will not be approved if you do not have a supervising physician.
- Physicians, nurse-practitioners, and Physicians Assistants can apply (or renew license) by clicking here now ($997 application fee--refunded if not approved) Acceptance gives access to training materials and listing as provider at VampireFacelift.com for as long as provider fulfills the requirements of certified providers.
- If you're not ready to join, you can send question to me at this email address. I give priority to answering questions to those who make application. Should your application be denied, your money will be refunded.

The New York Times (March 2, 2011): "Dr. Charles Runels, a cosmetic doctor...trademarked it [Vampire Facelift]...this was to standardize the offering so patients know what to expect." Membership and training at the ACCMA gives physicians exclusive rights to this trademark.
Results can vary but (for the best chance at similar results) if you wish to have the Vampire FaceLift®--seek a provider listed in the "Public Member Directory" section of this site to be sure you are seeing a physician who knows exactly how this trademarked procedure was done.
Physicians can view detailed video instructions of this procedure and other procedures immediately upon access to the members-only section of this web site.
Physicians advertising the Vampire FaceLift® who are not listed on this site should seek membership and access to the videos or cease advertising the Vampire FaceLift® immediately.
Are you going for "Botox," or "Juvederm," or Retin A, or "blood-derived growth factors" or are you going for the skill and knowledge of how best to use these materials?
This video reviews some of the research supporting the use of PRP...
The CMA aims to find the best materials and the best procedures in Cellular Medicine to create a more healthy and beautiful body--and then to educate physicians and patients about those observations.
VampireBreastLift.com gets more traffic than Botox.com!